Presentations must be no longer than 15 minutes in duration. Ideally, talks should be 10-12 minutes in length, allowing for 3-5 minutes for questions.
A PC laptop computer with the 2007 version of Power Point installed will be used to project the talk.
A pointer and microphone will be provided.
Presenters should bring their talks on CD-ROM or flash drive.
Poster Presentation
Poster: A 4 ft. X 4 ft single sheet printout is strongly preferred.
Title: A legible title is the key to attracting the audience to a poster. The poster title should be readable from 10-15 feet away. Use letters about 1.5 inches tall. The names of authors and their affiliation can be slightly smaller.
Abstract: Including an abstract in the poster is a good practice. The upper left corner is a good placement for the abstract.
Introduction: Introduce the most relevant background subject matter in one to two short paragraphs.
Objectives: Specify general and/or specific aims of the study, or state the hypothesis tested. Focus on clarity and brevity.
Methods: Keep this section brief, providing sufficient information to understand how the study was done. Methodology and sequence of procedures is sometimes most efficiently addressed in form of a flowchart.
Results: This is the most important part of the poster. Use tables, graphs, and illustrations to present the data. They should be self-explanatory. All written information that accompanies the illustrations should be brief and coherent.
Discussion: This section should be limited to interpretation of the most important observations. It is often sometimes efficient to include with the results under the heading "Results and Discussion".
Conclusions: This brief but highly important section is best handled as a list of major conclusions in relation to each specific objective of the study.
References: It is desirable to provide a short bibliography (three to five references) listing the work most relevant to the subject under investigation. It is a good practice to also cite these references in the text of the poster.