Associate Professor of Biology
Geneva College
Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Ph.D., Cell and Developmental Biology, 1983, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.
B.A., Natural Sciences, 1977, Dordt College, Sioux Center, IA.
BIO 101, Biology of Infectious Disease
*BIO 112, Introduction to Cellular Biology
BIO 207, Microbiology
BIO 302, Embryology
*BIO 319, Genetics
BIO 315, Immunology
BIO 331, Biomedical Ethics
BIO 405, Molecular Biology
* = recently, but not currently responsible for
(Since joining Geneva's faculty)
Sas, Daryl F. 1997. The Biology of Infectious Disease. Beaver Falls, PA, Geneva College.
Integration Thesis
Sas, Daryl F. 1993. A Biblical Perspective on the Nature of Scientific Activity. Unpublished thesis. Beaver Falls, PA, Geneva College.
Sas, D.F. 2002. Reliance on Technology: Stem Cell Research and Beyond in CuttingEdge Bioethics: a Christian Exploration of Technologies and Trends, John F. Kilner, C. Christopher Hook and Diann B. Uustal (editors), Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, MI.
Sas, D.F. 1992. Introduction to Natural Science. Pages 1-1 -- 1-10 in Energy: The Development of a Scientific Idea. (D. Badger et al). Beaver Falls, Geneva College SCS 110 Course Syllabus.
Sas, D.F. 1992. Muscle. Pages 17-1 -- 17-13 in Energy: The Development of a Scientific Idea. (D. Badger et al). Beaver Falls, Geneva College SCS 110 Course Syllabus.
Sas, D.F. 1992. Energy Use in Biological Systems. Pages 18-1 -- 18-20 in Energy: The Development of a Scientific Idea. (D. Badger et al). Beaver Falls, Geneva College SCS 110 Course Syllabus.
Sas, D.F. and J. Cruzan. 1992. Photosynthesis. Pages 19-1 -- 19-15 in Energy: The Development of a Scientific Idea. (D. Badger et al). Beaver Falls, Geneva College SCS 110 Course Syllabus.
Sas, D.F. and J. Cruzan. 1992. Food Chains. Pages 20-1 -- 20-12 in Energy: The Development of a Scientific Idea. (D. Badger et al). Beaver Falls, Geneva College SCS 110 Course Syllabus.
Recipient of the Excellence in Scholarship Award at Geneva College for the '02-'03 academic year.
Granted tenure at Geneva College in January of 1994. Included submission of an integration thesis entitled, A Biblical Perspective on the Nature of Scientific Activity.
Recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award at Geneva College for the '90-'91 academic year.
Attended the NSF Chautauqua Conference on "Changing Science Courses to Promote Critical Thinking," at the University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, March 7-9, 1990.
Seminars Given
Alpha Chi Induction Address, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA. 11/19/03
"What Would Jesus Do?"
Honors Student Seminar, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA. 10/29/03
"Stem Cell Research for Stem Cell Transplantation"
CBHD Conference, Chicago, IL. 7/21/00
"A Biblical View of Medical Technology"
ASA Convention, St. Paul, MN. 7/29/94.
"Priorities in Biblical Bioethics"
ACSI Convention, Beaver Falls, PA. 10/19/92.
"Philosophical Foundations of Evolutionism"
ACSI Convention, Albany, NY. 10/27/89.
"Issues in a Christian Philosophy of Science."
Born and raised in rural SW Minnesota.
Married with two daughters, Katie (12) and Megan (9).
Deacon and Adult Sunday School teacher at Christ Presbyterian Church (PCA).