PHI 200 Plato (3) Study of Plato's major works, including the Republic. (Approved Humanities Option). First semester, alternate years.
PHI 202 Augustine (3) Study of Augustine's major works, including the City of God. (Approved Humanities Option). First semester, alternate years.
PHI 204 Aristotle (3) Study of Aristotle's major works, including Nicomachean Ethics. (Approved Humanities Option). Second semester, alternate years.
PHI 206 Aquinas (3) Study of Aquinas' theory in Summa Theologica. (Approved Humanities Option). Second semester, alternate years.
PHI 212 Ethics (3) Nature of ethical principles; and analysis of various ethical problems, such as abortion,
capital punishment, and world hunger. Suitable as an introduction to philosophy. Second semester.
PHI 214 Business Ethics (3) Nature of ethical principles and analysis of problems, such as pollution, whistle blowing and employee rights. Suitable as an introduction to philosophy. Occasional offering.
PHI 300 History of Modern Philosophy (3) Continental rationalism (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz) and British empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume). (Approved Humanities Option). First semester, alternate years.
PHI 318 Philosophy of Religion (3) Study of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Islam. First semester, alternate years.
PHI 340 Special Topics in Philosophy (3) Various subjects, such as Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, Wittgenstein, and existentialism. (Approved Humanities Option).
HIS 430 Philosophy of History (3) Nature of historical knowledge and great speculative theories, such as those of Augustine, Hegel, Marx, and Toynbee, with an attempt at a Christian critique. Alternate years. (Approved Humanities Option). Prerequisite: HIS 272, 274 or the required Humanities sequence, junior or senior status, or consent of instructor.
HIS 435 History of Modern Thought (3) Major movements since 1500, Renaissance to Existentialism, with emphasis upon their impact on religious, social, economic, and political behavior. Offered periodically. (Approved Humanities Option). Prerequisite: relevant HIS or HUM survey course or consent of instructor.
POL 312 A History of Political Thought (3) Reading and discussion of major works of political theory from Plato to the present. Offered periodically. Prerequisite: sophomore standing.
PSY 411 History and Current Theories in Psychology (3) Development of important theoretical attitudes, especially the influence of various types of theory. Second semester. Prerequisite: Senior status as a psychology major.
SOC 347 Contemporary Sociological Thought (3) Introduction to current attempts at organizing social theories. Emphasis on practical meaning and application. Alternate years. Prerequisite: SOC 201.
ECO 350 History of Economic Thought (3) Contributions of the mercantilists, the physiocrats, the English classicists, Karl Marx, the Austrian School, the historical economists, Alfred Marshall, Thorstein Veblen, and John Maynard Keynes. First semester. (Approved Humanities Option). Prerequisite: ECO 201, 202, or ECO 100.