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Career Coaching
What Should I Be Doing As A…
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- Learn about yourself: Visit the CDC and participate in the “Career Direct” assessment to discover careers and life goals most suited to your interests, strengths and values.
- Consult with a career advisor after completing the “Career Direct” assessment.
- Develop strong study skills and time management skills.
- Take introductory courses that are of interest to you.
- Get involved: Participate in student organizations and clubs. (/student-life/opportunities/clubs)
- Know your campus: Investigate the resources Geneva offers to guide, support and challenge students. (Access, Honors, Independent Study, Crossroads, etc.)
- Serve the community by volunteering your time with local ministries and organizations off campus.
- Get to know your RA/RD and student leaders, as well as faculty, staff, advisors, counselors and administrators.
- Attend Calling and Vocation Month in November sponsored by CDC to talk with professionals and explore career interests.
- Write a preliminary draft of a resume with the help of CDC.
- Check your email, this website, and Geneva Job Link for weekly announcements of jobs, internships and special programs.
- Create an account on Geneva Job Link to upload your resume, set up a Job Alert (jobs emailed to you) and find jobs and internships.
- Assess your interests, values, abilities, strengths and God′s calling on your life. Are they changing? Are you setting goals for spiritual, personal and professional development?
- Continue taking and exploring courses that are of interest to you.
- Consider campus employment in your area of interest.
- Update your resume and begin a portfolio.
- Research career opportunities and areas of interest in your major. Utilize the Career Assessment and the Career Resource Library in the Career Development Center (CDC).
- Gather information about graduate school options and research possible degree tracts.
- Consider part-time/summer employment and internships related to your major.
- Investigate CCCU & study abroad programs with the Crossroads Office.
- Become an active member in chapters of professional organizations and/or campus clubs related to your interests and major. Think about becoming an officer for your Junior year. (/student-life/opportunities/clubs)
- Use other resources such as: www.jobweb.com, www.bls.gov/oco, and www.onetonline.org
- Take the Career assessment in the CDC office to discover careers suited to your interests, strengths and values. It provides great information for a resume.
- Create an account on Geneva Job Link (at: www.geneva.edu/career/career) to upload your resume, set up a Job Agent (jobs e-mailed to you) and find jobs and internships
- Check your e-mail, the Career Development website, and Geneva Job Link for weekly announcements of jobs, internships and special programs.
- Attend Career Development seminars, programs and job fairs. Participate in Calling and Vocation Month in the fall and Backpack to Briefcase in the spring which include sessions such as Job Search Overview, Interview Skills, Resume and Cover Letter Writing and Portfolio workshops.
- Apply for an internship or a pre-professional work experience related to your career interests.
- Refine and update your resume.
- Create an account on Geneva Job Link (at: www.geneva.edu/career/career) and the Regional Internship Center website at www.ricswpa.org to upload your resume to access internships in Western PA.
- Seek graduate school counsel and resources through academic departments and CDC.
- Visit graduate schools. Prepare, register, and begin to study for graduate school entrance exams.
- Become an active leader in campus and community organizations to develop leadership, organizational and communication skills.
- Review the qualifications and skills needed to be successful in your career choice. Refer to the occupational Outlook Hand-book online at www.bls.gov/oco and www.onetonline.org
- Attend on-campus and off-campus job fairs: Ac-counting Recruitment Day; WestPACS Job & In-ternship Fair; Federal Careers′ Day; Camp, Sport & Ministry Summer Job Fair; and PERC Education Job Fair.
- Pursue study abroad programs with Coalition for Christian Colleges and Universities www.cccu.org and Geneva′s Crossroads Office located in Skye Lounge.
- Participate in on-campus employer recruiting programs.
- Create an e-portfolio or consider an independent study course to compliment your career direction.
- Take electives in other areas to complement your major.
- Practice your interview skills in CDC with mock interviews.
- Check your e-mail and the CDC home page at www.geneva.edu/career/career for weekly announcements of jobs, internships and special programs.
- Attend Career Development seminars, programs and job fairs.
- Participate in Calling and Vocation month in November. Backpack to briefcase events in the spring include: Calling, Job Search, Internships, Interview Skills, Resume/Cover Letter, Graduate School, and Etiquette.