Leap year is a special occurrence that happens every 4 years. During a leap year, an extra day is added at the end of February making the calendar year 366 days long. This is because the Earth takes approximately 365.242 days to orbit the Sun entirely. But rather than simply adding a fraction of a day, we wait every 4 years to fully accumulate one day. However, a leap year can only occur in a year divisible by 400, i.e., 800,1200, 1600, etc. Since 2020 is a leap year, let’s check out a few facts about leap years.
The First Leap Year was in 46 B.C.
The first dated practice of adding the day was when Julius Caesar created the Julian calendar in 46 B.C. However, despite adding the extra day, there was still a discrepancy in the calendar. Since the Julian calendar does not follow the 400 rule, the calendar was skewed until Pope Gregory XIII created the Gegorian calendar, establishing the modern conception of leap year that we follow today. In fact, Pope Gregory XIII decreed the day that followed October 4, 1582 would not be October 5, but rather October 15, essentially eliminating 10 days on the calendar.
What are the chances?
Nearly everyone ponders what being born on leap day is like. Despite being very rare, the chances of someone being born on leap day is 1 in 1461. Despite this, there are roughly 187,000 leapers in America today. Rarer still is the life of Sir James Milne Willson, a former premier of Tasmania, who was born on Leap Day, February 29, 1812 and died on his “17th” birthday on Leap Day, February 29, 1880, at 68 physical years old. He’s the only well-known person to be born and to die on a Leap Day.
Leap Second?
Everyone hears about leap year, but have you heard about the leap second? In 2015, a 61-second minute was added to the world’s atomic clocks in order to make up for the Earth’s slowing rotation. However, since this technically creates an “invalid time”, many different online servers and devices encountered different errors that threw the internet in a spiral for a very short period of time.
Leap of a Century
Finally, the final leap year of this century will occur on February 29, 2096, however, the first leap year of the next century will have to wait 8 full years. Every 100 years, we skip the leap year unless the year is divisible by 400, like 2000.
What to do? What to do?
So, an extra 24 hours are yours this year. Here are some quick suggestions for how to spend it.
Hope you enjoy Leap Day 2020!
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-William Perry '23
Photo by Matt Heaton on Unsplash
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
Feb 29, 2020After ministering in local churches for nearly 20 years, Geneva College alumnus Kent Chevalier '99 accepted a unique ministry position as the chaplain for the NFL's Pittsburgh Steelers through the Athletes in Action organization. Chevalier and wife Erica support the players and their families during the season and raise their own support in the off season.
When you’re starting college, you might not know what you want to focus on yet. That is completely normal and much more common than you might think. So, yes, you can start college as an undeclared major and many schools encourage this time of exploration. Geneva College even has a dedicated program for students with undeclared majors to help them identify God’s calling in their lives and careers.
As I walked the Via Dolorosa (The Way of Suffering), I was walking the very path of Christ from Palm Sunday to the crucifixion. As I stood in the remains of Jericho, I was reminded of God’s faithfulness in delivering the city into the hands of the Israelites. As I scooped water from the Jordan River, I was reminded that Christ is the living water. It was indeed the trip of a lifetime and my faith will forever be changed because of it.
Each February, the U.S. recognizes the importance of African Americans throughout our country’s history with Black History Month. This month provides us with a time to celebrate the accomplishments and achievements of African American heroes and learn more about their impact on our nation. As part of this month-long celebration, find out more about some of the most important historical figures who have played an important role in U.S. history.
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