Martin Luther King Jr.
While most Americans are well aware of the sacrifices Martin Luther King Jr. made and the incredible progress he spurred, few realize the extent to which he was inspired and guided by his Christian faith. Before he became a civil activist, he was a devoted minister. He never abandoned his faith, but rather, drew on it as a source of courage in challenging times. Below, we explore the role faith played in his efforts, as well as the role our faith can now play in living out his vision.
Martin Luther King Jr.: A Prominent Christian Voice in the Civil Rights Movement
Dive even briefly into Martin Luther King Jr.'s work as a civil activist, and it's impossible to deny the importance of his faith in both his personal life and his most famous accomplishments. Although he was briefly skeptical of several biblical concepts as a teen, he eventually realized that "many profound truths which one cannot escape" were evident in the Bible. He also discovered early on that his faith supplied "an inner urge to serve humanity."
Shortly after graduating from Morehouse College, King enrolled at the Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania. He hoped to become a "rational minister" who would use his theological knowledge and wisdom as not only a "force for ideas," but also as the spark behind
A few years after he completed seminary, King was called to Montgomery's Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. He was elected to the Montgomery Improvement Association; at this time, he proclaimed, "We must keep God in the forefront. Let us be Christian in all our actions." The famed Montgomery Bus Boycott soon followed.
King felt that Jesus could serve as the ultimate inspiration behind a violence-free movement inspired purely by love. In referencing Jesus' use of the line "Love your enemies," King explained, "If you hate your enemies, you have no way to redeem and to transform your enemies. But if you love your enemies, you will discover that at the very root of love is the power of redemption."
While MLK clearly held and practiced a strong faith, he wasn't afraid to call out his fellow Christians when necessary. In fact, he was deeply concerned about the Christian community. He felt that it was his duty as a faithful man to make every effort to get the Church on the right path.
Sadly, far too many churches initially resisted MLK's call. For example, when he was invited to speak at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, many churches not only opposed this visit — they began to rescind financial support for the seminary.
Thankfully, attitudes have since changed, and many Christians now realize the wisdom in King's words. Today, he serves as a huge source of inspiration within the Church, where he is regarded as a chief example of what it means to act on one's faith in the face of challenge.
The Iconic 'I Have a Dream' Speech — And What it Represents Today
Although he built his reputation during the Montgomery boycott and while jailed in Birmingham, Martin Luther King Jr. is perhaps best known for a remarkable speech that included the iconic words, "I have a dream."
Delivered to hundreds of thousands of supporters during the 1963 March on Washington, the I Have a Dream speech served as the ultimate manifesto for both King and the movement he inspired. Although he prepared extensively for this remarkable speech, King actually diverged considerably from his initial plans,
As always, Christianity was a major theme in King's speech. He described a world in which people of many different backgrounds could work together, attend school together, and yes, pray together. He mentioned "God's children" on multiple occasions and expressed his hope that "the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together." However, he also shared his fervent desire that people of many backgrounds could band together in pursuing his dream: "Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics will be able to join hands and sing."
While aspects of MLK's dream have indeed been realized since he delivered his iconic speech, other elements of his vision have yet to be fulfilled. Racial divides remain strong throughout American society; African Americans suffer high poverty and incarceration rates, as well as a wide education gap and often outright discrimination in a variety of settings. It is increasingly becoming clear that, while we've come a long way, we're still just getting started. That being said, we like to think that King's faith has allowed for, as he envisioned, the "[hewing] out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope."
At Geneva College, we are committed to carrying out Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision while drawing on his faith as a strong source of inspiration. We recognize his great accomplishments and the ongoing work in his fight for justice not only on MLK
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Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
Jan 21, 2019After ministering in local churches for nearly 20 years, Geneva College alumnus Kent Chevalier '99 accepted a unique ministry position as the chaplain for the NFL's Pittsburgh Steelers through the Athletes in Action organization. Chevalier and wife Erica support the players and their families during the season and raise their own support in the off season.
When you’re starting college, you might not know what you want to focus on yet. That is completely normal and much more common than you might think. So, yes, you can start college as an undeclared major and many schools encourage this time of exploration. Geneva College even has a dedicated program for students with undeclared majors to help them identify God’s calling in their lives and careers.
As I walked the Via Dolorosa (The Way of Suffering), I was walking the very path of Christ from Palm Sunday to the crucifixion. As I stood in the remains of Jericho, I was reminded of God’s faithfulness in delivering the city into the hands of the Israelites. As I scooped water from the Jordan River, I was reminded that Christ is the living water. It was indeed the trip of a lifetime and my faith will forever be changed because of it.
Each February, the U.S. recognizes the importance of African Americans throughout our country’s history with Black History Month. This month provides us with a time to celebrate the accomplishments and achievements of African American heroes and learn more about their impact on our nation. As part of this month-long celebration, find out more about some of the most important historical figures who have played an important role in U.S. history.
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