When the weather is gorgeous and you have a serious case of spring fever, it can be very difficult to stay inside and study. Unfortunately, while you had your parents there to whip you into shape in high school and a supervisor to do the same at work, you're all on your own when it comes to college coursework. If you're struggling to stay motivated, try implementing these tips into your study routine:
Schedule Carefully
Certain times of the day lend themselves better to studying than others. Figuring out your body's optimal times for various activities may require some trial and error (and a regular sleep schedule), but once you stumble upon a natural rhythm, you'll be unstoppable. Everybody is a little different, but in general, most adults do best with cognitive tasks during the late morning. The average student is most distracted between noon and 4 p.m., so avoid hitting the books during those hours.
Break Work Into Chunks
High school teachers talk incessantly about breaking large projects into digestible chunks for a reason -- it's a genius system that consistently delivers results. Instead of attempting to tackle five chapters and a ten-page paper all at once, make a few smaller goals. You'll feel good about yourself when you check one of those goals off your list, and more importantly, you'll be less inclined to procrastinate.
Use a Reward System
No matter how much you try to think of the big picture, you are bound to be swayed by the thought of immediate gratification. After you've set a small, manageable goal for your next study session, attach that goal to a reward. The reward could be something as small as a piece of chocolate, but it should get you genuinely excited.
Take Regular Breaks
Breaks are essential in all walks of life, but especially for schoolwork. A recent study published in the journal Cognition found that brief diversions reduced the potential for vigilance decrement, or a drop in attentional resources. While the control group's performance on a selected path steadily worsened over time, those allowed two very short breaks were able to maintain the same level of performance throughout the course of the study.
Seek Support
You should never feel alone on this journey. There are plenty of avenues for support, so don't be afraid to use them. A good study group can be a life saver, as your classmates can help keep you accountable -- and you can do the same for them. If you don't have somebody in your class to turn to, set up a study date with a friend; even if you are studying for different classes, you can promise to keep one another on task until all of your studying objectives have been achieved. Parents and spouses can also be great sources of motivation; a call home can quickly remind you why that extra hour with your textbook is worthwhile. If you're really struggling, don't hesitate to take advantage of Geneva's counseling services, which can deliver the faith-based support you need when the going gets tough.
Even high-achieving graduate students struggle with poor motivation from time to time. The key to getting back on track is utilizing clever strategies and seeking support when necessary. To learn more about the excellent support system at Geneva College, contact us at 855-979-5563 or web@geneva.edu.
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
May 19, 2016After ministering in local churches for nearly 20 years, Geneva College alumnus Kent Chevalier '99 accepted a unique ministry position as the chaplain for the NFL's Pittsburgh Steelers through the Athletes in Action organization. Chevalier and wife Erica support the players and their families during the season and raise their own support in the off season.
When you’re starting college, you might not know what you want to focus on yet. That is completely normal and much more common than you might think. So, yes, you can start college as an undeclared major and many schools encourage this time of exploration. Geneva College even has a dedicated program for students with undeclared majors to help them identify God’s calling in their lives and careers.
As I walked the Via Dolorosa (The Way of Suffering), I was walking the very path of Christ from Palm Sunday to the crucifixion. As I stood in the remains of Jericho, I was reminded of God’s faithfulness in delivering the city into the hands of the Israelites. As I scooped water from the Jordan River, I was reminded that Christ is the living water. It was indeed the trip of a lifetime and my faith will forever be changed because of it.
Each February, the U.S. recognizes the importance of African Americans throughout our country’s history with Black History Month. This month provides us with a time to celebrate the accomplishments and achievements of African American heroes and learn more about their impact on our nation. As part of this month-long celebration, find out more about some of the most important historical figures who have played an important role in U.S. history.
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