I could tell you that the sunset over the city of Seville, Spain, is beautiful; that birds fly around cathedral towers, light streaks along the cobblestone streets, and bells toll the evening hour. I could tell you that in Pohang, South Korea, the high-speed train to Seoul runs through the countryside, past farms and fields, from one end of the coast to the other in just two and a half hours. I could tell you of Stonehenge and of Machu Picchu. You could read about Giant’s Causeway in Ireland, the Colosseum in Italy, and Christ the Redeemer in Brazil.
But to experience these places, to make memories that stretch across the globe, is something much different than just hearing and learning of these places. It’s a little terrifying — getting onto a plane and flying to a place you’ve never been, a place where the people are different, the food is different, and maybe the language is different. Okay — it’s a lot terrifying.
And yes, you will probably return to the States a little different yourself, because you’ve seen the world in a different light, and you’ve also seen yourself in a different light. And maybe you’ll be surprised by what you see, proud of what you see, or maybe you’ll be a bit disappointed (don’t worry, you can change — that’s part of the adventure, discovering more about who you are and allowing the Holy Spirit to work, to continue to create a better, more wonderful you). But you won’t know unless you go.
If you’ve never traveled before, a study abroad experience is a great way to start. Typically, study abroad programs pick you up at the airport, help orient you to the new city you’re living in, and invite you on group excursions (so if you really don’t want to travel solo you don’t have to). Our Living and Learning program in Ecuador takes students to Machu Picchu. At LCC in Lithuania, you’ll get to visit Georgia — yes, there is a country named Georgia. Uganda Christian University takes students on a 10-day tour to Rwanda. You could attend classes at Oxford University beneath the many spires of the city. You could explore the streets of Tokyo, Japan, while you study at Obirin University.
We have many different programs available for you to choose from, some of which are specific to your major. Studying Spanish? You could do our Semester in Spain program. Your classes will be in Spanish and you’ll have the opportunity to stay in a host home! Engineering major? You could go to Ireland through the Arcadia program and see the Giant’s Causeway for yourself. Aspiring teacher? You could student-teach abroad, earning credits towards your education degree! We’ve had student teachers travel to Austria, Hungary and Indonesia to name a few.
This is great, you think, but what about the cost? I can’t afford to travel.
Actually, maybe you can. Typically, a percentage of your financial aid will apply to your semester abroad bill. Plus, you can apply for the Crossroads Grant and qualify for a scholarship specifically for your study abroad experience. There are other scholarships and opportunities available, too — just ask!
If you’re really not keen on spending an entire semester away from Geneva, our faculty and staff often lead trips in conjunction with classes and clubs. For example, Dr. Jeffrey Cole and Dr. Brandon Zaffini will be leading a trip to Italy in May 2025, and Dr. David Smith will be leading a trip for those in the Genevans choir to Vietnam in May 2026.
Yes, here at Geneva you’ve got your friends, campus events, and maybe classes that you don’t want to miss out on. But there’s also a whole world outside of Geneva. Take a chance and check it out! I think you’ll have some fun!
If you think you might just want to try a semester abroad, stop by the Crossroads offices in the Student Center or send an email to me at befox@geneva.edu.
Bridget Fox - Director of Crossroads
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
Aug 22, 2024A guest came to my Geneva College Missions & Culture class to speak about sending missionaries overseas to teach English in countries hostile to the Gospel. I loved Jesus, traveling, and English, so I signed up to go to Mongolia the following summer, never dreaming a world pandemic would get in the way, and that I would end up not in Mongolia but in Ukraine.
Get the latest from Geneva College Bible Professor and Bible Core Coordinator C. Scott Shidemantle, PhD, who is serving in a Visiting Professor appointment at Jerusalem University College (JUC) in Israel for the spring 2022 semester. Dr. Shidemantle is living and teaching JUC students in Jerusalem in his course, “The Historical Geography of the Gospels.”
What better place for a professional basketball team to compete than the birthplace of college basketball? On February 5, 2019, the internationally renowned Harlem Globetrotters will hit Geneva’s courts combining athleticism, theater and comedy as they play on the historic site that set college basketball in motion.
The Semester in Scotland Program through Geneva allows students to fulfill a 15-credit semester by taking a variety of classes in theology and history along with weekly excursions to famous historical, scenic and cultural sites. For Bethany, who was born and raised in Indiana, Scotland is a place where assumptions about life are brushed aside and a new perspective of Christ’s creation is born.
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