Looking for a way to help spread God’s kingdom here on Earth? One that impacts the world today as well as future generations? How about training tomorrow’s leaders while helping to shape a higher education policy informed by Scripture?
The Master of Arts in Higher Education at Geneva College prepares you for rewarding roles in administration, student development, or campus ministry at colleges and universities as well as for leadership roles in nonprofit organizations and government agencies that shape national higher education policy.
Geneva’s biblically based program helps you develop beliefs, attitudes, and skills that reflect a professional identity rooted in Christian vocation. Here are five ways this helps you, in turn, inspire and serve future generations:
1 – Through Daily Interactions
Working as a higher education professional who’s firmly grounded in the Christian faith lets you advocate and model a holistic and compassionate approach to the students you interact with. Whether you decide to pursue a career in one of the campus administrative offices or work in an advisory capacity, you are in daily contact with young lives and enjoy the life-changing ability to empower them and help them discover their strengths.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts a faster-than-average 9 percent growth in employment of postsecondary education administrators from 2014 to 2024. This is due to an expected increase in enrollments that provides Christians in higher education with an exciting opportunity to help position future generations for success.
2 – As a Facilitator
You help students develop true wisdom, not just gain knowledge. Because faith-based education addresses the whole person, not just academics, your supportive presence bears witness to the importance that a living faith plays in crafting a successful and fulfilling life. As you help young learners move beyond simply memorizing and learning to arrive at a place of true understanding, assimilation, and insight, you play a vital role in helping to develop the well-informed, emotionally resilient, and spiritually grounded leaders of tomorrow.
As Dr. Eddie G. Grigg writes: “Wisdom is an analytical, extrapolative, and discerning progression that calls on all previous levels of training, especially moral principles, and enables one to perceive and demonstrate understanding in areas where no previous understanding exists.”
3 – As a Mentor
You help students gain a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty and omnipotence. You do this by calling on your experiences at Geneva College in which you were challenged to “consciously and deliberately strive to integrate faith in Christ with all aspects of learning and living,” trusting that the Bible is the perfect, inspired Word of God. Your program of study at a faith-based institution prepares you to forge deeper connections with the learners who cross your path and instill in them the same thirst for knowledge and hunger for Scriptural wisdom that you carry.
4 – By Example
You help convey the importance of good character and integrity. The personal codes of conduct you adhere to, combined with those stressed throughout all of Geneva’s curriculums and practices, will support the students that you go on to serve to develop their own moral and ethical compasses.
Your biblically based, Christ-centered education that placed as much emphasis on character development as it did on academic achievement provided you with the tools you need for a well-rounded, disciplined life. Now you’re in a position to pass that on to the young lives entrusted to you.
5 – By Modeling Leadership
Your principled leadership acts as an inspiring template. At the completion of your Master of Arts in Higher Education program, you’re able to skillfully “articulate the relevance and application of a Christian view of life to the study and practice of higher education.” As you embody the principles of integrity, courage, congruency, and morality in action, future generations are inspired by your shining example and feel called to reach for the high bar you set.
If you’d like to learn more about the biblically based, Christ-centered education at Geneva, we’d love to introduce you to our Masters in Higher Education program that features a curriculum grounded in the Reformed tradition of the Christian faith. For more information on how Geneva College can help you pursue your goals for a career in Higher Education, please phone us at 855-979-5563 or email web@geneva.edu.
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
Oct 23, 2017Faithful Doubt: Habakkuk, written by pastor Travis Scott, explores the short prophetic book of Habakkuk, in a practical and meaningful way through the lens of a doubter. Travis approaches the passage of scripture from an honest and humble perspective, recalling difficulties experienced as a husband, father, and pastor.
Dr. J. Ligon Duncan of Reformed Theological Seminary delivered the spring 2021 Commencement address at Geneva College on May 10, 2021. Here is an excerpt of that message, entitled, "Every Good Work," from 2 Timothy 3. This excerpt first appeared in the Summer 2021 edition of Geneva Magazine.
When the Bible teaches one thing and your “instincts,” as it were, disagree, whose wisdom do you trust, your own or God’s? Do we really need to be told not to trust in our own minds? Yes, because we want to trust ourselves, and because in our day putatively wise people constantly tell us that high self-esteem brings success.
When the Bible teaches one thing and your “instincts,” as it were, disagree, whose wisdom do you trust, your own or God’s? Do we really need to be told not to trust in our own minds? Yes, because we want to trust ourselves, and because in our day putatively wise people constantly tell us that high self-esteem brings success.
As busy as college students are, it can be profoundly beneficial for them to seek out and engage in a routine Bible study. Diving deeper into their faith, exploring what the world’s challenges mean to them, and creating a Christian-based path forward can give any college student the direction he or she needs to achieve their best life. Still, it’s not always easy to make that decision—instead of a night with friends or yet another study session for a high-level math class, go to Bible study instead.
What should someone with wealth do? Solomon writes, “Pay attention to it and know its condition.” He uses the example of sheep and goats. Wise parents blessed with wealth will teach their children how to work to maintain it. Wise children will accept the burdens of responsibility that go with family wealth, always remembering that riches do not last forever.
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