Hey parents! Are you ready for final exams? Okay, so you may not be taking exams or finishing up final papers and projects, but you can choose to have an active role in supporting your student through intense exam periods. Here are a few tips for how to support your student through such times:
Remind Students of Resources on Campus:
Did you know that Geneva has a peer Writing Center? This is a great resource for students that need help with their papers. Encourage your student to check out the Writing Center in McCartney Library. Sometimes, professors even offer extra credit just for going!
There are many classes that hold review sessions in preparation for finals. Often, professors and their Teaching Assistants will review for exams in class, so it is important that your student is present! These reviews may be posted in the syllabus or verbally communicated in class.
The Student Success Center is a great place to stop if your student is feeling overwhelmed about their finals or other academic work. We can help create multi-day study plans, review study techniques, and reinforce healthy habits. Our drop-in hour is Monday-Thursday from 3-4 p.m. Students can also schedule an appointment at ssc@geneva.edu. Encourage your student to be proactive in making a gameplan for intense periods of academic work. You can find additional resources on our website at https://www.geneva.edu/student-life/services/ssc/.
Be an Encouragement:
Times like finals week can be stressful with multiple exams combined with projects and papers. If your student has a low grade in a course, this can often create added pressure and anxiety surrounding the exam or assignment due. Positive talk can go a long way in shaping an optimistic perspective and inspire strong study habits. Encourage your student to study hard but also take strategic breaks to decompress and recharge.
Be Informed and Have a Plan:
Having a precise travel plan laid out before finals week can relieve much of the added stress around finals. Students are responsible for cleaning their rooms and setting up a checkout time with their RA. Students must leave within 24 hours after their last final unless they have a written exemption. Times for finals are often different than the scheduled class time. Review your student’s final schedule with them, this will help everyone be on the same page.
Follow us on Instagram to see how Student Success is helping your student succeed!
-Matthew Chubb, Director of the Student Success Center
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
Dec 19, 2023One thing we value highly at Geneva College is getting students engaged outside of the classroom. It is a well agreed fact in Higher Education that typically, the more a student is invested in their college community, the better they perform in classes.
One of the most intimidating aspects of nearing graduation is understanding where to start in determining options and knowing what all the options are. One of the more often overlooked opportunities is a faith-based program called The Fellows Initiative (TFI).
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