We hear all kinds of reasons: “The FAFSA form is too hard.” “It takes too long to complete.” “I’ll never qualify anyway, so why does it matter?” It does matter, and you don’t know what kinds of grants, loans, or scholarships you might qualify for. If you don’t complete the FAFSA form, you could lose out on thousands of dollars to help you pay for college.
2. Not filling out the FAFSA form as soon as it is available.If you want to get the most financial aid possible, fill out the FAFSA form ASAP. The earlier you file, the better we can maximize your financial aid eligibility! Even if it seems like the deadline is far off in the future, get your FAFSA form done ASAP.
3. Not getting an FSA ID before filling out the FAFSA form.It’s important to get an FSA ID before filling out the FAFSA form. Why? Well, because when you register for an FSA ID, you may need to wait up to three days before you can use it to sign your FAFSA form electronically. An FSA ID is a username and password that you use to log in to certain U.S. Department of Education websites, including fafsa.gov.
4. Not using the IRS Data retrieval tool.For many applicants, the most difficult part about filling out the FAFSA form is entering
the financial information. But thanks to a partnership with the IRS, students and
parents who are eligible can automatically transfer their necessary tax information into the FAFSA form using the IRS DRT. If you’re given the option to “LINK TO IRS” button, take advantage of it!
5. Not signing the FAFSA form.So many students answer every single question that is asked but fail to actually sign the FAFSA form with their FSA ID and submit it. Don’t let this happen to you. If you’re not able to sign with your FSA ID, there’s an option to mail a signature page.
To learn how to maximize aid for your degree program, talk to the Student Financial Services office of Geneva College. For more information on how Geneva College can help you pursue your career objectives, please give us a call at 800-847-8255 or email admissions@geneva.edu.
- Emily Ethridge, Geneva College SFS Student Intern (sources: Federal Student Aid and Inceptia)
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
Nov 12, 2019The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) deadline is approaching, therefore knowing what exactly you need to do before the deadline is critical to ensure you receive as much Financial Aid as possible. Filling out a FAFSA can seem like a daunting task, so we have broken it down for you.
Federal work study programs help students and colleges that often have more work to do than staff to do it. Work study is a great way to help pay for college and gain valuable professional experience. To find out more about how the work study program works, keep reading.
Though college can be stressful, it is still one of the many decisions that all people need to think about. Geneva College not only offers an amazing personalized education for prospective students, but they are willing to help all students financially to obtain a high-value degree.
With the promises of God as a model of authenticity and commitment, Geneva is happy to be a Preferred College Partner of The Pittsburgh Promise. This program promotes high educational aspirations among urban youth, funds scholarships for college, and fuels a prepared and diverse workforce in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania region.
Concerned with what it takes to reenter school? Whether you’re interested in pursuing a graduate degree or finishing a bachelor’s program, push those worries aside and learn about the flexibility and affordability available to adult learners.
Learn more about Geneva College.
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