On Thursday, May 3, millions of Christians in the United States recognized the National Day of Prayer. It’s a day, the first Thursday of May, acknowledged by the U.S. Congress and observed annually since being signed into law by President Harry S. Truman in 1952.
Days of prayer, however, have a long history in the new world, dating to before the establishment of the country. Leaders have called for days of prayer for many reasons from asking the Almighty to rescue people from great dangers to giving praise and thanks for His mercy and faithfulness.
The 2018 Day of Prayer was all about a topic with meaning for all of us – UNITY. This day brought Christians together in unified Christian prayer for America. The NDOP committee points us to Ephesians 4:3, “Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
Much as our forefathers sought to ask for God’s blessing as they united a common nation, we today need the intervention of God to bring unity to all Christians, all families, workplaces, communities and cities, and all people of every ethnicity and race. When so many in America seem to be choosing sides, we need to remember that the Holy Spirit is unifying, bringing together all men, women and children of faith.
As individuals, when we are weak, God is strong. So too with a society; when and where we have weaknesses, the Holy Spirit can work mightily to bring us back together. We need to earnestly pray for unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
At Geneva College this year, the Beaver Falls Prayer Breakfast brought together believers from many walks of life in the name of Jesus Christ. Participants prayed publicly and corporately for families, health and healthcare workers, educational institutions, churches, the media, prisoners and our nation. It was a time for American Christians to come before the Lord in humility and boldness, asking for a common spirit and in recognition of our need for God and our need for each other. We earnestly prayed for the unifying power of Jesus’ name and the Holy Spirit’s power. We stood, and stand, upon God’s word in Psalm 133:1, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony.”
Our strength is truly in our unity, and praying together is the appropriate step toward peace and harmony.
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Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
May 3, 2018Faithful Doubt: Habakkuk, written by pastor Travis Scott, explores the short prophetic book of Habakkuk, in a practical and meaningful way through the lens of a doubter. Travis approaches the passage of scripture from an honest and humble perspective, recalling difficulties experienced as a husband, father, and pastor.
Our perspective of ourselves can impact the beauty and value we see there. This view can end up being very different from how God and others see us. When we look at ourselves, we tend to see all the qualities that we dislike. But we need to adjust our perspective and make sure we are using the lens of Christ.
At Easter, a good question to ask is, "How are people saved?" This should be a question that Christians can easily answer, and indeed most can. However, sometimes Christians are less knowledgeable about the doctrine of justification and its important distinctions than perhaps they should be.
In a world that has been impacted by sin, there is always more that can be done to ensure a mindset of good stewardship and redemption. It starts with understanding that God intends to connect man’s physical existence with the environment from which he was brought forth and continues with educating people with sensible information.
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