On this National Day of Prayer, May 7, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to gather together to pray. That does not stop us from praying together, apart. Therefore, we offer this prayer.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We praise you for your nature - a great and good God, the Creator and Sustainer of all life. You are worthy of all praise; all things are from you from the beginning to the end. Thank you for blessing us with life, abundant life. Even in a time of a spreading virus, your perfect plan is at work. We don't understand yet the purposes you have for this time and these interruptions in life, for the mourning that some are going through with the loss of lives and the loss of life. But we trust you. We trust your plan. And we trust your promises.
We are grateful to you for Geneva College and its ministry of education. Thank you for your faithfulness to the college and the many people you have blessed and those you have allowed to serve through it. The leadership, the faculty and the staff need your mercy and guidance at this time. Help us to not grow weary in doing good. Help us to serve you by serving our students in every way that we can.
We are thankful for the students, their energy, their enthusiasm, and their work this semester. We pray you are looking after every need they have at this time, completing their studies at home. We ask for your hand upon them and their families. We ask for health and hope. Let them know of your presence in special ways at this time.
We have been blessed by our senior class and are now feeling melancholy over their departure, especially in these circumstances. Let them know that they are loved and cared for. Let them know that we did our best to prepare them for life beyond college. Let them know that they always have a place to call home at Geneva, and that this thought brings them comfort and the best kinds of memories. We also pray we will be able to gather soon to celebrate their great achievements in ceremony.
So, thank you, Father, for this time and place you have created us for. Help us rise to this occasion in faith and love. We pray that our strength will be equal to our tasks. Help us continue to serve and adapt to your plan and your timing. Amid the continuing work of redemption you are doing, guide us in the continuing work you are doing in us and through us. And bless our students and their families. Bless our students - the ones we will see again in the fall and those who are moving on to where you are calling them.
We entrust them to you... in Jesus' name.
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
May 7, 2020Faithful Doubt: Habakkuk, written by pastor Travis Scott, explores the short prophetic book of Habakkuk, in a practical and meaningful way through the lens of a doubter. Travis approaches the passage of scripture from an honest and humble perspective, recalling difficulties experienced as a husband, father, and pastor.
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