Promises are something all Christians are familiar with and love. In fact, you could say that faith is placing one’s trust in God’s promises, as numerous and wonderful as they are. God makes many promises to His people as we can see in the Bible, literally thousands of them. God is so reliable that whatever He says about the future, what He will do, how He will treat us, etc., is considered a promise – an assurance that He will definitely do a what He says He will or that something specific will happen.
With the promises of God as a model of authenticity and commitment, Geneva is happy to be a Preferred College Partner of The Pittsburgh Promise. This program promotes high educational aspirations among urban youth, funds scholarships for college, and fuels a prepared and diverse workforce in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania region.
The Pittsburgh Promise flagship offering is college scholarships to graduates of Pittsburgh Public Schools. Graduates of the following city schools may be eligible:
The other qualifications include the requirement to be enrolled at the school continuously beginning in 9th grade, to be a continuous resident of the city of Pittsburgh beginning in the 9th grade and to graduate with a minimum cumulative , unweighted grade point average of 2.50 and an attendance record of 90% or above. If a student meets all of these requirements, they are eligible for an annual scholarship designed to relieve financial burdens of going to college for recipients, who are known as Promise Scholars.
As a Preferred Partner, Geneva commits to expanded financial aid and support services to Promise scholars, graduates of Pittsburgh Public schools and recipients of a Promise scholarship who meet Geneva admissions requirements. Specifically Geneva provides:
Financial Aid for Housing
Geneva provides Promise recipients a room and board grant in the amount of $10,000 a year for up to four consecutive years. For students who qualify for academic scholarships from Geneva, $10,000 of those scholarships are applied as a room and board grant, with any remaining portion being applied toward tuition.
Student Support
Geneva Provost, Melinda Stephens, PhD, says, “Geneva has a long history as a pioneer in making college accessible to students regardless of financial or social barriers. We also have a long history of supporting The Pittsburgh Promise. Our new status as a Preferred Promise Partner with The Pittsburgh Promise advances our Christian higher education ministry – to equip students for faithful and fruitful service to God and neighbor.”
As children of the promise (God’s promise) in a ministry of higher education, Geneva gets to take part in wonderful stories of Pittsburgh students who can receive a Christ-centered college education that will bless them, their families, their communities, their workplaces and their churches for a lifetime. Recent graduate Simone Freeman-Irwin is a great example of how the Pittsburgh Promise can work.
Simone, a graduate with a double degree in Sociology and Biblical Studies, took advantage of the Promise to attend Geneva, doubling the money available for college through Geneva’s Pittsburgh Promise Match. She was selected from a national pool of applications to be a Cultural Vistas Fellow in Germany. She worked in a refugee camp helping people there learn to sew and make clothes.
Simon says, "I've been stretched to acquire leadership skills at Geneva, and now I understand how to use my voice to speak up and the impact I can have as a servant-leader of others."
Attending Geneva College on a Pittsburgh Promise Match Scholarship makes financial sense; many Promise Scholars can greatly reduce college costs this way. It also makes sense in terms of a developing a future career and a committed faith life in Jesus Christ.
Geneva’s Center for Student Development and the Career Services Center help Promise Scholars reach their full potential in their studies and then launch them into promising careers. By providing excellent academic support to Pittsburgh City School graduates, Geneva makes sure they meet the high standards of the college when they study here with the Pittsburgh Promise Scholarship.
Geneva’s small, Christ-centered campus can be a change for students who grew up in the city of Pittsburgh, but it can provide new perspectives and opportunities, as well.
Promise Scholar and Electrical Engineering major Brett Searcy notes the value of Geneva’s Christian integration, small class sizes and friendly, helpful atmosphere as factors in her choice to attend. She admits she went through a process of adjustment upone coming to Beaver Falls after living in Pittsburgh, but she also has come to love the familiarity of a small community… and knowing that the activity of the city of Pittsburgh is just 35 miles away is a nice option to have.
Brett wants to help others who might consider engineering as a major. She says, “Understanding more about the field of engineering and being familiar with engineering classes would have been valuable for me prior to coming to college. I would like to help prospective engineering students prepare for this step into college.”
While only God can keep promises 100% of the time, joining with The Pittsburgh Promise is a commitment Geneva intends to keep to the students from Pittsburgh who would benefit from high quality academic programs, Christ-centered integration and high levels of support. We all bear God’s image and keeping promises makes us more like Christ, which is what Geneva hopes to be. To Pittsburgh Promise Scholars: Welcome, find out more about Geneva and apply for admission today.
Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.
Jan 9, 2019As new freshman arrive on campus for the fall semester, they experience a few days of orientation, which Geneva calls Welcome Week. This week is filled with fun activities, valuable seminars, and relationship-building opportunities. Learn more about what you can expect at this year's welcome week!
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