Be charged an off-campus study administrative fee.
Be eligible for 100% of Federal/State and outside scholarships. (assuming the off campus courses are “eligible credits” or needed for their degree)
Be charged Geneva tuition for the cost of any extra course they register to take from Geneva College (independent study, online, etc.) while participating in their Off-Campus program.
Be limited to funding for one off-campus experience.
I want to go! What steps to I need to take?
Stop by Crossroads to pick up an information check list for your desired program along with the required forms.
Apply online to the program of choice
Inform Crossroads of your application
I have been accepted! Now what?
Inform Crossroads of your acceptance
Complete a Course Approval form (available from Crossroads) and return the form to Crossroads
If you have not already done so, complete and submit all other required forms
If studying outside of the United States, attend the required Pre-departure Seminar provided by Crossroads (time and date is announced each semester)