Clara '96

MUS 128
Dr. David Kenneth Smith

Due Thursday, November 20, 11:00 a.m.
Click on Starter Melodies below to hear them

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Melody # 1
Melody # 2
Melody # 3
Melody # 4
Melody # 5

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go to the following site and download a Media Player Click here.

Click below to print the full page of Starter Melodies.


On the back of the sheet handed out in class, using a pencil, complete the five listed Starter Melodies and include the following features:

- write at least 4 more measures of music
- use no more than 4 different note values (pick from: whole, half, quarter, eighth, dotted, tied)
- you may use rests if you like
- use the piano to help you select pitches; respond to the sound of the notes provided
- use a variety of pitches, but be careful with accidentals
- each student must be able to play the melodies on the piano at a tempo of your choice
- make sure the last note is the tonic of the key (they’re all major keys)
- fill in your name and date of the composition
- make a photocopy of the compositions for you to keep

The compositions will be graded on the basis of creativity, originality, proper notation of rhythms, beats adding up in every measure, and adherence to the required features.

The composition is due Thursday, November 20, 11:00 a.m.

On Tuesday, December 2, we will take class time to perform selections from everyone’s melodies.


- make sure the rhythmic values in each measure add up
- try not to have note values and beams that cross primary beats, especially in 6/8
- feel the meter, and compose based on the meter
- hear the music in your head; try to play or sing it, then write it down.
- work for a sense of inevitability in the music
- a convincing melody closes by surrounding or approaching the tonic
- end the melody on the tonic; arrive on the final note on the downbeat
- repetition is good
- use imitation = repetition with changes
- use sequence = repetition at a different pitch level
- for interactive practice, try Practica Musica # 17 Melody Writing.
- visit this website to hear the Starter Melodies:

Be creative and have fun!

This page is sponsored by the Clara Schumann Society.

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